
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday (December 4)

It's December already, people.  Where'd the year go?  Can't say it hasn't been productive--I quit my office job, writing full-time now, mortgage be damned--but it just went by so fast.

One of the nicest things, though, in this new writer life of mine, is the Six Sunday community.  There's a bit of everything, something for every taste.  And the people are fantastic.  Remember to stop by and visit some other SSS bloggers--make your Sunday special :)

And--back to Alexia and Michael, about to kiss in the language school lobby.  Enjoy!
A muscle in my neck, more sensible than I, contracted--my head twitched and his lips met only the tiniest portion of the corner of my mouth.  Disgusted at the unreasonable twinge of disappointment, I pushed hard at his chest and went for outrage. 
“What the hell was that?” 
Instead of exhibiting remorse, like any good Mexican boy would, his mouth opened into a big O.   
“Why’d you move away?”  
“Michael, you were going to kiss me!  What were you thinking?”

*Sigh*.  I was kind of hoping she'd let him kiss her.  But--there's a boyfriend involved.  A serious boyfriend, with whom she's about to move to Italy with on a graduate program.  And Michael...  Well, he's only here in Mexico for a few weeks.  The attraction's strong, but--is it worth it?  There's just too much to lose, isn't there?  

What would you do?  Take the fling?  Stay faithful to the boyfriend?  What does your decision hinge on?  What's more important, in the end?  The moment?  Or loyalty?


  1. Oh my - that sure is a dilemma indeed! Poor thing

    Great excerpt, Guilie - loved it, as usual! And yeah, seems like it's already December; go figure where the year went!

    Big hugs, girlie!

  2. I love how you've ramped up her emotion starting with the muscle and ending with the shove. This is subtle and wonderful.

  3. I love her "more sensible" muscle! Very nice detail.

  4. I can guess what he was thinking. ;) Fun six, Guilie.

  5. Thanks for stopping by, all! I'm glad you liked the snippet. Monica, "subtle and wonderful" is high praise and I'm thrilled you found it so. Meg, the "more sensible" line has made me snicker through endless edits--I keep thinking it's probably a "darling" that I should do away with, but I really like it :) Zee, thanks for the ongoing support--glad to have you over, always! And Siobhan/Meg, yep--Michael's not as hard to read as he might think, LOL.

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone, and happy Sunday!

  6. As a reader, I SO vote for the fling. (IRL, no flings for me - no way, no how!) Great six!

  7. BEautifully described interior conflict. What to do, what to do? Make him earn it a little, at the very least. :)

  8. Well I know what he was thinking. Question is, what was she thinking? @_@ Great snippet.

  9. A very intriguing dilemma. I can't wait to find out what happens between them. ;)

  10. Heck, if they aren't going to see one another again, she should have just given him a quick snog! ;)

  11. Very intriguing six, Guilie! Can't wait to see what comes next! Happy Sunday!

  12. Sounds like she needs to do some exploring, or at least someone wishes she will. Did this plant the seed of doubt? :-) Great six.

  13. I would've kissed him! What's a harmless kiss? I know, I'm naughty. What a situation your MC is in, and I love how she feigned outrage to mask her attraction.

  14. I'm with Sarah B on this one - as a reader YES take the fling. In real life? No way. Sensational six!

  15. I'm big on loyalty, personally. If I would choose Michael, I'd have to break up with the other guy first.

    Great six.

  16. My favorite part is "A muscle in my neck, more sensible than I...". Love the rhythm and how it's worded. Nice : )

  17. Thank you so much for visiting and for the feedback! I'm glad you liked this little snippet, and I agree--Alexia's conflict is just beginning. L.K., I think she'd agree with you. If anything's going to happen with Michael, she'd have to break up with the other guy first. But like Sarah and Sandra, as a reader I'd also be rooting for the fling. And J.C., you're not naughty :D Maybe Alexia's life would be a lot simpler if she could just learn to live in the moment. *sigh*

    Again, thank you all for stopping by, and look forward to catching up with you again next Sunday. Have a great week in the meantime!
