
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday (March 11)

Yay! I'm back for SSS after a long hiatus. I missed you--did you miss me?

Had a blast at the San Francisco Writers' Conference (you can read more about it here), and learned a lot. The results include a superstar editor interested in helping me with the novel, as well as six agents that asked for samples. I'm waiting on the editor before sending stuff out--don't want to burn my chances, as all six are great GREAT choices for agents. We'll see :)

Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Alexia is spending a Saturday afternoon at her boyfriend Dan's place, with his family. Caro is Dan's mom.

Caro was easy to talk to. During the seven years Dan and I had been together, his mother and I had built a comfortable friendship. She was easier to talk to than my mother, and I looked forward to the day we’d be officially related. Yes, I’d be one of those lucky wives that had no issues with the infamous mother-in-law. 
“You’re a little distracted today, m’ijita,” she said, her hand on mine. 
I smiled, trying for a lightness I didn’t feel. “Am I?"

Hope you liked it! Next week I'll share a bit more of this conversation that is so momentous (for Alexia), and then we'll move on to the next chapter. Thank you for your visit, especially for your comments, and I hope to see you here next week, too. Remember to visit the other Six Sundayers!

Happy weekend, everybody!


  1. I did miss you! Welcome home.

    Caro reminds me of my mother-in-law. I'm so lucky.

    1. Thanks, Cindy! Glad to be back :) I know--your mom-in-law is my personal fantasy :D

  2. Good to have you back, girl! Definitely missed you around here :) XOXO

  3. Yep missed you but sounds like the conference a total success. I can relate. I got along better with my mother in law than with my mother. Nice scene

    1. Thanks, Sue! Yep, conference was a blast--definitely going to do that again, whenever I can afford it. Thanks for the feedback on the snippet--glad it worked for you, and so happy to hear you have a good relationship with your MIL!

  4. Missed you, but congrats on the results of the conference! Good luck! Enjoyed this 6 :)

  5. What a lovely, sweet moment. It's nice that she appreciates the ease of their relationship.

    And, yes, you were missed! Glad you're back and glad you had a wonderful conference experience. :)

    1. Thanks, Monica! Very glad to be back, too :) I'm happy you liked this little scene--thanks for that!

  6. Glad you had a productive conference! And it's good to see you back. There's a tag waiting for you on my blog too.

    1. Thanks, Gwen! I'm off to your blog to check out the tag, and thanks in advance!
