
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday (March 25)

Jeez, people... This is the last SSS for March. Where's the year going? Happy Spring for you all, and thanks for visiting!

Taking up where we left off last week... Remember that "brown paper package tied up with string"? Sorry about putting that song into your head again :)

The paper crackled as I folded it back. There, nestled in sand, sat three small shells, delicate and intricate. 
“Michael, they’re beautiful! Where did you get them?”
“I found them,” he said, “and since I was thinking of you when I saw them, they’re yours.”
Acapulco beaches are notoriously empty of shells--finding these must have taken some serious luck.

So there you have it--Michael's little offering. Cute or dud gift? What do you think? Are you the type to prefer to receive (or give) diamonds and gold, or would seashells melt your heart?

In any case, it's not all Michael brought back for Alexia :) See you back next week!

Thanks for your visit, and remember to visit the other Six Sundayers for more fun snippets. Have a great Sunday, y'all!


  1. Oh, yeah. I melted over seashells once. I much prefer something he thought about rather than just whipped out a credit card to buy.

    Although, I have to say, there is something irresistible about diamonds... :)

  2. I agree with Cindy! I like presents with thought and meaning behind them. This would melt me, especially knowing how hard he must have looked! I've never been one for diamonds and I hate gold!

  3. Yes, he sounds like a keeper. Nice six!

  4. Luck? or something else? Nice gift

  5. No gift is a dud if given with thought, which clearly this was. She'll melt.

  6. I thought this gift was great. If seashells are hard to find in their part of the world, he probably searched for a while! Cute!

  7. I would definitely take a guy picking up a seashell over jewels... wait. Could there be a ring in the seashell? LOL. Oh, the beach is so romantic. Love this!

  8. I love it. I'll take the simple, but personal and thoughtful gift any day. (Then again, you *can* pawn diamonds if he runs off to Acapulco without you...)

  9. A sweet gesture on his part. I'd much prefer something like shells to boring old diamonds. :)

  10. Awww...I was thinking it was very sweet before you even asked the question at the end. But that's how I am...I like simple, sweet gifts. ;)

  11. Such a sweet six! My heart would definitely melt at the seashells... but hey, if he wanted to throw in some diamonds, I'd take 'em!

  12. Aww... his gift is sweet. Particularly since it seems he's put effort into finding them... and confides that he's been thinking about her while they've been apart.

  13. Awwww. He's a keeper, definitely! And so clever the way he wrapped them and presented them to her. I'm really looking forward to next week's!

  14. Nice segment! I can't really think of any edits I would suggest. And I agree, it seems like a sweet gift.

  15. Hi Guilie. Just dropping in to follow as your A to Z co-host.
