
Sunday, November 18, 2012

NaNo Update -- 2012/11/18

So I didn't make those 5K I promised the other day... Or any day since. *Sigh* But I did manage to catch up, at least to the par per day (today's par is 30,000, and I made 31,387).

And I have my donor's halo--yay! I'd been trying to donate since mid-Oct, but the system doesn't have "Curacao" or even "Netherlands Antilles" in the country drop-down menu. Credit card info and billing address have to match, so... But ok, finally I got the payment through. Let's hope it also works for the merchandise I'm planning to buy at the end of the month--including the Winner's T-Shirt :D

Thanks, all, for your support. Means a lot to me that you take the time to stop in and leave a word or two of encouragement :) Keeps me going.


  1. Hey, well done! Only two more weeks to go. :-)

  2. You're doing excellently! Keep on writing! :)

  3. NaNo T-Shirt! If I'd walk around in one of those over here... nobody would have the faintest clue. :D

    Keep going!!

    1. Haha--no one has a clue here, either :D Whenever I wear the one from last year, I get all these looks as people try to figure out what the hell the Winner's Circle is. "Winner of *what*?" I see them thinking :D Hilarious. But I wear it with pride. And, yeah, a bit of superiority, too :D
