
Monday, March 25, 2013

A-Z Preview

The A-Z madness is almost upon us! And I'm waaaay behind on writing my posts. *Sigh* But I'm working hard at them, because I'm excited about my theme this year.

Image credit: Don Genaro Curaçao Appartements [sic]
Most of Quiet Laughter's regular readers have asked, at some point or another, the very normal question of where--and what--the heck is Curaçao? No reason to be ashamed; when I came to this island I literally had no clue where I was going. Somewhere in the Caribbean, yes, but where?
Had to be close to Brazil, right? CURAÇAO--definitely Brazilian. And, thus, paradisiac rainforests, secret waterfalls, hibiscus splashing color everywhere... Right?

Wrong. Oh, I was wrong about so many things that 4th of July in 2003 when I hopped all over the Caribbean to get here. The first "wrong": my stay was temporary. Six months only.

Here we are, a decade later.

I fell in love. Pure and simple. Yes, with a man--but before I met him, I was already having this intense affair with Curaçao. I didn't care there were no rainforests (cacti and barren rock, anyone?) or waterfalls. (But look--just look at this display of Nature. Who needs freakin' waterfalls?)

In Curaçao, water falls up.
And so, for the 2013 A-Z Challenge, I've made it my mission to not just put Curaçao on the map for you, but to put it into your heart.

(Yes, we have a guest bedroom. Hope you don't mind a fluctuating population of dogs.)


  1. Looking forward to it, G! Love reading about new places, and I know you'll teach me a few things about the culture. Which I also love. :)

  2. I can't wait to learn about the island. I'm soooo ready to fall in love with an exotic place, far away from the ice and snow.

  3. I'm still busy on my A to Z posts, too. Looking forward to learning more about your home.

  4. You're killing me. :) But I look forward to dying slowly over the next month.

  5. Yay, more Curaçao! Can't wait to read your A-to-Z posts, Guilie. :)

  6. Falling, the act of falling in love with anything is irreplaceable. I look forward to your postings.

    Found you through the 2013 A-Z Blog Challenge. As a participant in this challenge I also nominate you for the Liebster Award, find out more about your nomination at I am looking forward to connecting with you as we both participate in the challenge this year. Cheryl

  7. That is so cool. I lived in San Juan for a while. Now I am studying to be an English as a Second Language teacher. Is there a need for English teachers there?

    Dropping by from A to Z Challenge. This is my first year participating.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist

  8. This is great! My hubby and I went to Curacao for our honeymoon. No one knew anything about it. We did it for the diving. It was awesome. I look forward to following along!
