
Friday, April 5, 2013

A to Z: E is for Ee-eh!

Two things will set you apart from regular (i.e. ignorant) foreigners in Curaçao: using Dushi,  which you learned about yesterday, and Ee-eh!

It sounds like this:

Ee-eh! That's a big-ass ship.

What does it convey? Surprise. Dismay. Amazement. Shock. Depending on the situation, it might be used positively--or very, very negatively.

If I tell you I won the lottery and now have fifteen-point-six million euros in my account, you would say...


Ee-eh! can be quite eloquent.
Say you hear some juicy gossip, something along the lines of, "That guy, the pillar of the community that has three kids and the supermodel wife--know him? Well, my friend Nico saw him at a gay bar last night. And no, he wasn't just having a drink." Your response--verbal or otherwise--would be...


You're getting out of your car with two bags of groceries, you drop one, all those cans roll every which way on the sidewalk and into the street, you'd curse yourself with a not-quite-silent Ee-eh!

You arrive at your hotel and find that you've been upgraded. To the Presidential Suite. For free. Ee-eh! Then at check-out you discover that "free" upgrade wasn't so free after all. Eeeee-eh!

You get the point.

Feel like sharing any Ee-eh! situations of your own? Would love to hear 'em.

Thanks for dropping by! Hope you enjoyed the post. If you're visiting any other A-Z Bloggers, maybe you'll find a post that you can comment Ee-eh! on, just for kicks :)


  1. This series is so educational - I figure that if I ever visit Curaçao I will be surprised by less and less things after April is over :)

    1. Haha--glad you're liking it so far, Trisha :) It's so hard to try to convey the essence of a place as complex as Curaçao in these mini-bites. Thanks for the visit!

  2. Ee-eh! The time is slipping away. By doing two challenges this month, I can hardly spare a free minute to work on the revision of my book. Ee-eh!

    1. You got it, Francene! Spoken like a true Yu di Korsòu :D

  3. You have a great theme! I'm loving all the new words I'm learning : ) I have a serious travel bug so really enjoy reading about interesting spots across the globe. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks, Joyce! Glad you liked it :) Great weekend for you too!

  4. We have a similar thing in Ethiopia - inda~y!

    1. Inda-y! I like it :D Thanks for stopping by, Gwen!

  5. I had an eh-eh moment yeserday while getting out of my car for a dentist appointment. My pants caught on a spring and ripped a huge hole in the butt. Wish I would have known this word then!

    1. Vicki, that totally fits the bill. So sorry for your pants :(

  6. These are great posts! I am looking forward to reading more. I became somewhat fascinated with Curacao through a couple of travel shows (one called "The Thirsty Traveller"...of course it was about the alcohol...I really like it!) but still don't know much about it. I am glad I will be able to learn more through your eyes!

  7. I love it! Seems a very useful word. I have to go back and learn the other ones now!

  8. Eh-eh...weekend is gonna end sooon. Enjoyed your post. One definitely have do many grumpy n happy Eh-eeeh moments n life.

    - A fellow blogger from A to Z!

  9. Week one is almost over... Eeee- eh!
    I'm working the entire weekend... Eeee-eh!
    My blog has been re-vamped.... Eeee-eh!
    *waving* Thanks for the vocab enrichment, Guilie!

  10. I like your theme - love learning about new places. And new words! Going to try using this one...
    The Girdle of Melian

  11. Loved this post, very informative. Eeee-eh were ever did you find that photo of me in my bikinis?? He, He!!

  12. Not sure I can get my tongue around this, but I love its multi-functional use :-)

  13. Eheh almost time for e to get these taxes done. Love your blog. Blessing

  14. HI, Guilie,

    Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. Glad you enjoyed my intro of Melissa's book.

    You have a wonderful sense of humor and I enjoyed this Ee-eh moment!
