
Sunday, August 25, 2013

A blog benchmark

Quiet Laughter has crossed the 50K-visits line. Thank you for every time you stop by, every comment, every share. You've made this happen, and I'm profoundly grateful.

You--yes, YOU--rock.


  1. Good for you, Guilie!

    I stopped tracking my stats. If I believed I really had 150,000 page views I'd be excited. But thanks to spam, about once a month I get 3,000 hits in ONE DAY. And not a single person leaves a comment that day. Sigh.

    Luckily my filtering system catches 99% of fake comments so I don't have to deal with that nonsense, but it's frustrating having no clue how many real people are finding my blog.

    1. Thanks, Cindy :) Indeed, these bots trolling the internet really mess with our expectations, don't they? Most of my non-directed traffic (specific searches for, say, my name, or visits sourced from Facebook or RSS feeds) comes via the kidnapping/Florence Cassez posts--in January, when she was released into French custody, I had over 5000 visits. None commented :D

    2. What's really funny is I have a handful of readers - some I know and some are strangers who just found my blog - who NEVER comment on the blog, but will comment to me personally via email, on FB or in person. It drives home the fact that other bloggers are more likely to comment while readers are more likely to...drum!

    3. Haha--so right. I only started blogging in 2011, but I read a few blogs before that... and, ahem, never left a single comment. Not a one. Once you blog yourself, though, that comment love gains a whole new perspective, doesn't it?

  2. Wow, congrats!

    ...and yes, spam sucks :p Would be nice to know if *real* people are visiting/reading for sure :)

    1. Thanks, Ms. Monkey! You're one of the first followers of this blog, you know, and it makes me so happy that you're still around :)
