
Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Thing About Camouflage

It can save you, certainly. But--save you for what?

Original image here.
Mimesis is your thing, right? Pavement gray, autumn-leaf brown, technicolor lawn green, even the occasional metallic Honda or Toyota hue.

You're so good at this that even people who have you pointed out at them still can't see you. Takes them a minute to go, "Ah--there!"

Presumably your predators do not have you pointed out at them, which means you get to live long and prosper.

Original image here.

Camouflage keeps you safe because it keeps you hidden. A life of hiding... Is that really what you want? It takes guts to come out into the open, roar like a lion. I'm here. It might take, quite literally, putting your life on the line.

Hidden, no one can find you. Not foes, not friends. Hidden is hidden. You're invisible for everyone.

Is it really better to be safe than sorry?


Will we scurry among leaves in the underbrush? Or, come what may, will we make like lions and roar?


  1. Congratulations. Amazing photography!!!

    1. Thanks, but they're not mine. You can find the links to the photographers in the captions.

  2. Very thought-proviking post :)

    ...I do admit, I'm still skulking around in the underbrush, but I think my camouflage is only partially on ;)

    1. Hey--I found you :) The camouflage isn't working, Ms. Monkey :)

  3. It's all about timing...?
    Blend in and observe... and when the time is right, then TA-DA!
    Love your post...

    1. Love it! "TA-DA!"--yes!! And the concept of timing is a powerful one ;) Thanks for the visit, Michelle!

  4. Great question, Guilie. I think it all depends ... minor issue, versus strong views. I let a lot of small stuff slide off (I hide), but not if it's something that really matters. Then I roar. :)
