
Monday, January 6, 2014

Top 20 Photos of 2013 (late as usual)

Hey, I'm Latin. Sorry--that was racist and discriminatory, and pejorative, too, for good measure. You're absolutely right, not all Latins have the elastic sense of time I do. Sorry. I accept full and personal responsibility for my tardiness.

But, uh, better late than never. Right?

I joined The Kuantan Blog's Top 20 Photos bloghop, which means I'll be sharing the best 20 photos I took in 2013 over the first twenty days of January. The idea is to work up to the best photo for 2013 on January 20th, but I'm not sure how good I'll be about keeping the quality increments the other days--it's hard! And, of course, it's totally subjective.

Still, I hope you'll bear with me, and that you'll enjoy the show. Some of the photos are good (for me) in terms of composition or light or general photographical achievement; others because of what they represent, the moment they captured. I look forward to sharing these snippets of my year, and even more to your thoughts.

Without further ado, the first six of the Best Of 2013 Collection. Yes, six, because, like I said, I'm late.

#20: A globe at Amsterdam's Scheepvaartmuseum
(the National Maritime museum). I love how the back edges of
the glass case made a sort of frame for the globe, and how the
reflections (it was glass, not mirrors) play up.
(July 2013, Amsterdam)

#19: Also at the Scheepvaartmuseum, from the
collection of wooden figures--some totally qualify
for sculpture status--for the bows of ships. The storms
they must have weathered. The distant lands they
must have seen. The people they saw, the stories
they heard. Oh, if they only had a voice.
(July 2013, Amsterdam)

#18: A very un-typical Amsterdammer. Just, you know, cruisin'.
(July 2013, Amsterdam)

#17: You knew this was coming. What's any
collection of photos without a puppy nose-bump?
Look at that face. Just look at it.
(Feb 2013, Curaçao)

#16: This is a bad photo. In the old days of having film developed,
this is the kind you'd throw away in the car, maybe even before
leaving the store. But there's something about these ghostly figures...
Oh, I don't know. And there's something Trekkie-ish, isn't there, about
the guy (guy?) on the right. What about that bare midriff?
And that bartender with the arm that disappears into the ghost's--
the same ghost who's about to kiss Spock. While Spock touches his (her?) boob.
Surreal, dude.
(April 2013, Curaçao)

#15: One of my all-time favorites.
Lights strung up at Wet n' Wild. The bar, not the amusement park.
(April 2013, Curaçao)

That's it for today. Hope you liked these pictures. If you did, leave a comment. If you didn't... well, leave a comment anyway. I'm the forgive-and-forget kind of girl.

Off to visit the other Top 20 participants.


  1. What a fine array of photographs. It's fun to see the best of the year. The light string really is cool. Like little spaceships. :)

    1. Yeah! A parade of spaceships, love it! If I ever print that one out and frame it, like I've been "planning" to do for--oops, almost a year now, I'll title it that :D Thanks for the visit, Emily!

  2. #15 is my favorite, excellent shot! I am so glad to see that I am not the only one who started off late and had to do a catchup post! :) It is so hard to classify them, I went an easy way out and went chronologically. Still I am worried about picking THE best of 2013. Can't wait to see what you choose!

    1. Agreed, Dusty--that #1 for day 20 is already giving me knots of anxiety, haha. How to choose? And won't the others, the photos that come close, feel bad? :D Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I like the ghostly one too, Guilie. They are all very good, but like you say, there is something about that one -- the disappearing arm, perhaps, the crazy imagination of someone (like me) who wants to see a story in anything. :) Great blog challenge by the way.

    1. So THAT'S why it's so appealing--the writer brain at work! I'm glad you liked it, Silvia, and thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love the globe, Guilie. Thanks once again for joining up and catching up!

    1. Duncan, thank YOU for this brilliant idea of a blog hop! I hope you'll be hosting this every year--if you do, count me in not just to participate but to spread the word as well :)

  5. There's always something special in those images be it blurred or in abstract shapes.. I especially like those light bulbs shining in the dark.. seems to show the way..

    1. Wow, Cold Winter--I never thought of that string of lights that way. You're right, love it! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Great shots. I like #18. It is an ordinary life.

  7. Hey, I'm Latin, too (half-Cuban, half-Colombian) so my sense of time-keeping is screwed either way. See? Here I am making a late comment :P

    I really was awed by the Wet and Wild lamps and the puppy close-up. More puppy close-ups, please!


    1. Another Latina! And Cuban-Colombian, no less :D Some of my dearest friends are Colombian, so I'm biased ;) More puppy pictures, you say? I will visit your blog shortly (couple of days, maybe a week) to leave you a link to a dog blog I've been working on for a while. I think you might like it ;)
