
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Who said the writer community doesn't TOTALLY rock?

The best gift EVER: an unsolicited review of my story in the January volume of Pure Slush's 2014 Project (read it for free on the Amazon preview here) by friend and fellow writer (and fellow IWW member) Silvia Villalobos. Read the review here.

How sweet is that?

She didn't even tell me she wrote it. I found it two days after the fact, and then only because I follow her blog. Which you totally should if you don't already. She has that incisiveness I so admire in writers, that way of cutting through the surface to get at the source of what makes us human, what makes us better... Or, sometimes, worse.

Silvia, thank you. You're a wonderful, wonderful friend.


  1. Yes, you're right: the writing community definitely DOES rock! Finding a new review (and a good one, at that!) is one of the pleasures of publication. I'm sure finding a lousy review is less than fun, but we haven't encountered one of them yet. Let's hope we never do.

  2. Congratulations, Guilie. Your story is just terrific. Made me smile.

    1. Beth, I cannot tell you how happy you've made me today :) Thank you!

  3. It's awesome when that happens. Go you too! and thank you so much for stopping by my blogs. Sending big hugs your way :)

    1. Thank you! And thanks for the return visit :) Yes, GO US!

  4. Ah, Guilie, what a nice thing to say. Some moments must be celebrated, and what's better -- for writers and readers -- than finding an emotion-filled story set on a beautiful island. I just couldn't keep that to myself. Thank God for blogging, the best place to write it when we're feeling it.

    1. Agreed, Silvia. Blogging has changed the way I write, it's made it easier in many ways, and--most importantly--has connected me to people I've never met in person, maybe never will, in a deeply satisfying way. You are one of those people, Silvia, even though we didn't meet through blogging, but it's fantastic to share the webscape with you. Thank you!

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