
Friday, March 21, 2014

The Mighty #A2ZReveal!

What's April going to be all about here on Quiet Laughter?

I agonized over that. I had my Curaçao theme from last year all prepped and ready to go; I even had posts written already, photos collected. But...

This is 2014. It's a year like no other.

There's a project out there, one that's been called (by Mike Joyce, editor-in-chief of Literary Orphans) "the most ambitious, intense, and MASSIVE project going on in the digital writing community this year," and it's happening--literally happening, as we cyber-talk--right this very minute.

Thirty-one writers. Thirty-one mini-novels. A chapter a month. A story a day, every day. The whole year.

365 stories, a volume every month, all collected and edited by the Great & Powerful Oz Matt Potter (well, he is Aussie).

True, I speak of

From the 2014 page of Pure Slush's website:
"What we’re publishing is a series of stories from each writer that arcs across the whole year, involving the same character or set of characters. Twelve days in the life of that person or people. So every month, as the books are released, readers can dip into these characters’ lives. Like a serial."

You've never met characters like these. A man that flies. A woman that wants her husband murdered. A pedophile stalking little boys. A transvestite priest. A recovering alcoholic on the verge of a cross-country journey of perdition. A baseball player trying to reconnect to a family that barely knows him. A group of kids on a joyride that goes bad. A big-shot tax lawyer in the Caribbean. A prostitute--excuse me, call girl--and her clients, in uncomfortable detail. A selfish friend. Several, actually. Heros, and antiheros (join that discussion on H day, April 9th). Endings and beginnings. Nagging wives. Couples that wax nostalgic about bachelor days. Bachelors who hate bachelorhood (to the extreme of joining a dating reality show).

And so much more.

Who are they is the easy question: they're unique, and they're remarkable. How they got that way... well. That's a harder one.

Maybe at the end of April, after talking with their creators, after exploring and comparing their stories and their origins... Maybe then we'll have an answer. Or not. Either way, if you're into fiction, you're in for a treat. This is fiction at its vanguard, mold-cracking best.

(Like Matt Potter says:) See you at the end!


  1. That's a very different theme :) looking forward to read your posts :D

    1. Thanks, Rajlakshmi--I'm looking forward to yours :)

  2. Visiting from A/Z Theme Reveal; this does sound like an interesting theme! Good luck with it!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow! Such a massive interesting project! I know for sure I'll be glued to your posts!

    1. Thanks, Aditi! I hope you like them--it's been a whirlwind ride of a project *and* of working out these posts for the Challenge, so I'll be looking forward to your feedback :) Thanks for the visit!

  5. This project sounds amazing! I can see why you changed your theme. Looking forward to it!

    A-to-Z Challenge 2014
    Mighty Minion of Co-Host Nicole Ayers
    @Safireblade on Twitter

    1. Thank you--I hope you enjoy reading the posts as much as I've enjoyed writing them. It's really a wonderful project, and I'm so lucky to be a part of it.

  6. Hi Giulie .. this sounds very interesting and I love the idea of it - so I'll be seeing you around .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary! I'll be looking forward to your visits--and your own posts!

  7. I can hear that whip cracking, or was it a mold? - good on you Guile - I love fiction, who am I kidding I love a good story whether it's real or imagined :)

    1. A little of both whip and mold--no wonder you heard it all the way across the Atlantic ;) Thanks for the visit, Ida, and I hope you enjoy the posts. It's been so much fun to be a part of this project.

  8. Sounds exciting. :)

    J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge theme reveal.
    Great post. Looking forward to April!

  9. My, that was a mouthful or I should say a 'monthful' of what promises to be interesting, entertaining and 'moldcracking'...good word. Thanks for hosting 'The Reveal', and I'm looking forward to your 'April AtoZ Vanguard Fiction'. I'm in with a 'fiction' theme as well.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

    1. Thanks to you, Sue, for visiting, for the super sweet comment, and for joining the reveal :) More fiction--yay! I'll be a frequent visitor at your blog ;)

  10. Guilie, it sounds FANTASTIC!
    I can't wait to read...
    See you around on the A to Z circuit!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Aw, Michelle, thank you! I do hope you like the posts, and I'll be looking forward to reconnecting with you throughout April. It's been too long :)

    2. Yes, it has been long! We need to rectify that!

  11. And that's an ambitious A to Z theme, too! Should provide a nice intro to the project. Good luck!

  12. Wow, Guilie! How do you manage to do all that AND be an A2Z minion? You're Superwoman :)
    #Team Damyanti
    Blogging from Alpha to Zulu in April

    1. Aw, Jemima... no, not Superwoman at all, just love getting in over my head :D Thanks for the visit!

  13. What an interesting theme, Guilie. All the very best!

  14. Wow. Very exciting. Looks like you're up for a really big challenge!
    Play off the Page

    1. Thanks, Mary :) The greater challenge was for the thirty authors who wrote--are writing--these stories, and for the editor that put it all together--he's a saint, really. Aside from my own story (still working on that one), all I have to do is browse through the books and pick a character or an aspect of a story to use for each day. The challenge is having too much too choose from :D

  15. This is going to be a mighty wonderful theme. I am so excited about all this Theme Reveal party and the grand celebration after that's the challenge.

    I have revealed my theme too. I would appreciate a word or two on it.

    Love Kripali
    (AJ's wHooligans)
    Sumptuous Living

    1. I know! So glad you're participating in the reveal, and I *love* your theme (as I repeated, twice, on your blog). It's a fantastic idea. Please, please take me up on turning it into a hop post-April!

  16. Wow! Good luck!!! That's a lot of writing!

    1. Thanks, JoJo :) The writing's already done, mostly, and I'm only one of thirty-one writers in the project, so my "challenge", at least for April, is just to delve a bit deeper into each of their stories... They're fascinating, and so well written; believe you me, it's no hardship ;)

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks, M.J.! I look forward to hearing what you think about the posts :) And I *love* your theme!

  18. This is going to be super interesting, Guille! Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Corinne! I tried to follow the link associated with your name, but it took me to a non-existent blog :( I'll find you, though, one way or another--got to find out what your theme is! ;)

    2. Sorry about that, Guilie. I've updated my blogger profile. My theme reveal posts are : and

  19. This sounds very cool. I look forward to checking it out. Laughing at Life 2

    1. Thanks, Shawn! And I look forward to reading your thoughts about it--and following your April posts!

  20. Ambitions undertaking and I wish I had the stamina for something like that. Good luck with a to Z.

    1. Thanks, Sydney! Though I don't know what you mean saying you wished you had the stamina for something like this--you're posting about your novel, which takes way more stamina--both the posts *and* the novel--than this :) Looking forward to it, by the way, and congratulations on the upcoming release. So glad you joined the reveal :)

  21. Super, Guilie. And wow, didn't realize how many people were on the list (s). Ambitious project indeed. But what's life without ambition. Having read some of the stories, I can say they are absolutely great.

    1. Aw, Silvia, thank you :) I hope you enjoy the posts!

  22. This is going to be AWESOME. I cannot wait to read what you post. It seems so daunting that you need a cheerleader and maybe a nap? Good luck!

    1. Haha... Cristina, I think I'll need to take off the rest of the year after April :D But I do hope you enjoy the posts--would love your feedback!

  23. Sounds like a lot of fun, and a lot of good reading!

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! I certainly hope you think so after April :)

  24. Wow- so ambitious! I'm floored by the scope of this project and do expect I'm in for a real treat in learning more about it in April.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks to you, Beverly, for joining the hop--off to read all about your theme now (sorry I'm a day late). The Pure Slush project has been a ton of work for sure, not just for the writers but--oh my gosh--for the *editor*! Hard to imagine how he does it--and he has a day job, too. Puts me to shame, seriously :) But it's been so much fun, and it's improved my writing no-end. Hope you enjoy finding out about it!

  25. Oh wow, that sounds amazing and crazy. The good kind of crazy :) It will give us a lot to read! Cheers!

    1. Haha--the "good kind of crazy" :D I like that. Yep, it's been one rockn'rolling ride, worth every jolt and bump and stomach-capsizing free-fall. I hope you enjoy the posts!

  26. Now THAT'S a helluva writing project! Can't wait to find out more, Guilie:)
    resident bartender for A to Z Theme Reveal Party!

    1. Ms. Resident Bartender, so glad you stopped by! Love your theme--big fan of Greek mythology here :) Thanks for the visit, and for co-hosting--you're awesome!

  27. That sounds like a really interesting, unique project.

    1. It is that, Carrie-Anne. Kudos must go to the editor for putting it all together--don't know how he does it. An amazing guy to work with. Thanks for the visit!

  28. I think everyone has covered it all, so... what they said. ;) I will definitely be back. :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I'll be looking forward to your visits :)

  29. Pure Slush is surely an awesome project!! Looks so very interesting and intriguing too! I'll be back here positively :)

    1. I really appreciate that, Shilpa, and I very much look forward to your visits and your feedback. Hope you like the posts!

  30. I've heard about Pure Slush. Intriguing. Can't want to read the stories, Guilie!


    Team Damyanti
    My April A to Z Challenge 2014 Theme Reveal #atozchallenge #atozreveal

    1. Thank you, Vidya! I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts--your feedback would mean the world.

  31. Very interesting theme and thanks for sharing the project too. It seems very interesting. Can i try this any other month than April this year? I really have my hands full with a novella i am writing which is fiction ofcourse! Looking forward to reading your posts :)

    To fiction *clink*

    1. Thanks, Sivakarthik :) Sadly, calls for this project ended last year (May, I think, or maybe August). But why don't you visit the Pure Slush site (links in the post) and check out what other projects they have open? I think throughout 2014 they're running a travel theme in the e-mag, and there might be other print projects going on. They're a great publisher to work with :)

  32. You just keeo getting better and better... Every time I visit your blog a part of me gets inspired :)

    1. Aw, Ananya... Coming from you--such an inspired woman!--that means a lot. Thank you!

  33. Where did you find that writing project? It's awesome! 365 days of writing, to create a collection of stories over the course of 12 volumes in a year is a massive feat. Great subject for your theme!

    ~Nicole Ayers
    #atozchallenge Co-Host
    The Madlab Post

    1. Thanks, Nicole! Pure Slush is a great magazine, a great publisher to work with. I found them through my writers' group, submitted a piece for the online mag, got it accepted, and they invited me to be a part of a previous project (Gorge: A Novel In Stories), then came this one... I can tell you, they're spoiling me silly. My bar for editors is set so high now I wonder if I'll ever be happy working with another mag :D

      Thanks for the visit, and I hope you enjoy the April posts :)

  34. Wow, that sounds amazingly overwhelmingly totally cool! What an ambitious project. Certainly has my attention. Thanks for hosting this awesome party today! Go Team Damyanti!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

    1. Thanks, Tina! Means so much that you joined--I know how busy you co-hosts are :) And thanks for the support on my theme, too. It *is* a bit overwhelming, but a bunch of the other writers in the project have volunteered their input, so it's not all on me :) I'm really looking forward to how the posts turn out, though. (I know, I know, should've prewritten more, started way before... *sigh*)

  35. Pure Slush is actually Pure Awesome!

    Great that you can combine the two projects, and thank you for everything that you do for the challenge, starting from hosting this reveal, keeping track of the linky list, the tweets, hosting the chats, and spreading the cheer!

    You're one woman made of goodness and super-efficiency at the same time, and I'm so glad you joined my team. Thanks for being there, Guilie.

  36. Very interesting premise! I think I have a kind of half-way handle on it, but that's good because that means I can come back in April to get to whole real untold story! :O) Looking forward to April, my minion sister from another mother! :O)

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations

  37. You have your work cut out for you! I will keep tabs. I think I will have to quit my job for the month of April just to keep up with everyone!

  38. Wow!!!!! And I thought NaNoWriMo was a challenge. Good luck and have a great time with it!

  39. This sounds amazing! I can't wait to read your posts!

  40. I hadn't heard of this. Sounds like a good way to make your A to Z posting come to a productive outcome.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  41. Sounds really exciting Guilie! Looking forward to your posts :)

  42. Exciting stuff, Guilie.... Waiting for April for the flower to unfurl and spread the scent :)

  43. This sounds like a fascinating project. Looking forward to reading about it throughout April.

  44. Fabulous theme and thank you for introducing us the project here :-)


  45. Considering how I have started writing fiction in the recent past, this is one theme I am really looking forward to checking out. Good luck, Guilie!

  46. That looks like some project... look forward to know more about it...fiction is my first love

  47. Looking forward to some great fictions...quite a project it is.

  48. Unique theme...looking forward to it! :)

  49. I'm going to have to check this out. It sounds amazing! <3
    Can't wait to see what you got up your sleeve.

    My A to Z Challenge
    Caring for my Veteran

  50. A different story segment each day? How can I resist?! Can't wait to read your chosen snippets!

    I'm participating in AtoZ, as well. My topic is writing in general and my current work-in-progress in particular. See you around!

    Andi-Roo @TheWorld4Realz

  51. Hello, and how are you? I am a first time visitor that enjoyed my stopping in that I will be back soon. Have a great week.
