
Friday, April 18, 2014

#atozchallenge: Pinterest (or The Discovery of A Digital Bulletin Board To Share With Readers)

Today you're in for a treat--via fellow 2014 author, the extraordinary Gay Degani.

Awarded the 11th Annual Glass Woman Prize for her flash piece, “Something about L.A,” Gay Degani has had other stories nominated for Pushcart consideration. Pomegranate Stories, eight short pieces about mothers and daughters, is available at Amazon, her novel What Came Before is currently serialized online, and her linked stories are being published monthly in Pure Slush's print anthology, 2014-A Year in Stories.

I never understood Pinterest, at least not as a place for me to actually join. I never surf the net looking for shoes or stainless steel appliances. I'm not planning a wedding anytime in the near future.

Then someone—I can’t remember who—blurted out the words “digital bulletin board” and something clicked.
Above my writing desk I have a bulletin board with pictures of 1920’s houses and the gates to Indian Wells private communities as well as movie stars from the past and the present, both white and African-Americans. This is my inspiration board for my suspense novel, What Came Before, released earlier this month.

[more about Gay's novel for W day.]
Two thoughts collided: What if I could share my REAL-LIFE bulletin board with my future readers—digitally! So I signed up, put together not only a board for the novel, but for another project I’ve been involved in, Pure Slush's 2014: A Year in Stories.

Sybil's bungalow
Because the task of 2014 is for me (and the other thirty writers) to create twelve linked stories, one for each month of the year, in present tense, as if happens on that exact day in 2014, it meant juggling many characters, settings, and story-lines, and researching details so that my Old Road stories would have authenticity.
The Riolito canyon floor
Sybil, my landlady, showed up on the page in a silk robe and I kind of knew what it would be like, but I typed “silk robes” into Google and came up with dozens to look at. I did this for many of the details I needed. The board is open to readers to see how their imagination lines up with mine.

Visit The Old Road board at Pinterest to see what’s inspired me in writing these stories, and check out the What Came Before’s board too.
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Want to know more about Gay's 2014 story cycle? The next installment is happening tomorrow, April 19th. I, personally, can't wait. 

Thank you, Gay, for sharing your Pinterest experience. I was also a late-comer to it, and I'm not sure I've got the hang of it yet, but one thing's for sure--it's addictive.

Gay isn't the only 2014 author with a Pinterest board to illustrate and inspire the story cycle; Mandy Nicol has one, and Sally-Anne Macomber. And me. If you have time to check them out, we'd love to hear how you feel about seeing the images that inspired the 2014 stories. Do they enhance the experience--or do they clash with your own visualizations?

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Thanks for the visit, and happy (Easter) A-to-Z-ing!


  1. Guilie thanks for doing such a wonderful job on this post with the pictures and the explanations. I appreciate all you do!!!

  2. I love Pinterest!! It digitizes America's hoarding problem. lol

  3. Pinterest has not made it big in India. I am on it but I have never really thought about understanding it. Now knowing pinterest is on my to do list.

  4. I linked my #atozchallenge theme, gardening and related topics, to my Pinterest boards. In the beginning I used Pinterest boards to support my novel, Greening of a Heart, but now reflects many passions. Pinterest images are a great prompt for writers. We are lucky folks to have social media to promote our writing interests.

  5. This is exactly how I intended to use my p interest, but it has, strangely, filled up with pics of clothes, shoes and jewelry.

  6. I love Pinterest. My home renovations, my poetry, not my other writing yet, my preferred art, are all on Pinterest. Who would have thought? I was a reluctant viewer initially, now I find that there is no such thing as a quick look at Pinterest and I have to pace myself or I will be lost in it for hours...

    Visiting from A-Z

  7. Never got the hang of Pinterest, cos I'm terrified that if I do get the hang of it, I shall be hooked, and then have to, um, unhook myself. Am bookmarking this post to read in May, Guilie, cos I really do want to laze over the stuff that inspired you, when I'm feeling less crazy!

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  8. Hi Guilie .. can see how your interest changed - and yes it does sound another opportunity as a way of presenting a package ... poetry, stories et al ..

    Cheers and Happy Easter
