
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lessons of 2014

1. Rhythm is the key to discipline. (Achieving that rhythm is on the list for 2015.)
2. Unconditional acceptance is the most beautiful gift of love.
3. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. It feels good (in a masochistic kind of way), is great as an excuse to avoid reality, is also great for writing fiction, and--because of the above?--is highly addictive. Do not exceed recommended dose. (Recommended dose still to be determined.)
4. The palette of human emotion is wide. Wide, wide. There are all sorts of hues and grades that won't ever fit into a CMYK scheme.
5. [Should really be 4(a)] Connections with people come in all flavors, all kinds, and--most importantly--all levels. The key: learn to identify what kind of connection you're making.
6. I talk too much. No, really.
7. Love the life you live. Live the life you love.
8. Trite can also be true. (7a?)
9. Facebook is, truly, the worst time-suck.
10. For my dogs I'm prepared to make any sacrifice. I have proof.
11. Love doesn't need to be returned to be real.
12. No, there really is no end to love. (Thank you, U2.)

Happy 2015. May you revel in the grand beauty "beneath the chitter-chatter and the noise, silence and sentiment, emotion and fear. The haggard, inconstant flashes of beauty." (La Grande Belleza, Paolo Sorrentino, 2013. You need to see it. If you already did, let me know and let's rave about it together.)

Couldn't find a version with subtitles in English. Here's my translation of the last bit, my favorite:
It always ends like this. With death. First, however, there is life, there beneath the bla bla bla bla. It's all sedimented under the chatter and the noise, silence and sentiment, emotion and fear. The sparse, inconstant flashes of beauty, and then wretched squalor and miserable humanity. All buried under the blanket of the embarrassment of being in the world. Bla, bla, bla, bla. Beyond, there's the beyond. I don't deal with the beyond. Therefore, let this novel begin. In the end, it's only a trick. Yes, it's only a trick.


  1. Such great lessons! Though I would argue Tumblr is the worst time-suck ever.

  2. Great lessons and a great post. Thank you so much for sharing and Happy New Year! xx

    1. Glad you liked it, Joss, and thanks for the visit :)

  3. Happy New Year, Guilie!!

    Thank you for a beautiful list of lessons :)

    1. Happy 2015 to you too, Ms. Monkey! I'll do better with staying in touch this year. Thanks for putting up with my absences :)

  4. Ah, such a beautiful post. Yes, Facebook is a huge time-suck. Twitter too. May you have a 2015 filled with love and joy.

    1. Thank you, Bob! I guess social media as a whole has time-suck potential... As does pretty much anything else, for procrastinators like me, haha. It's time to work on that discipline, I think ;) Thanks for the visit!

  5. Super super super agree with #9.

    1. LOL, Anna :D Is that why I don't see much of you on FB? (Pleeeeeeaaaaaase pass the how-to manual!)

  6. Love, love, love your thoughts!!!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Michelle! Can't tell you the joy it gives me to see your name pop up in my email :) Happy new year, darling! And thanks for the visit. Off to catch up with you now.

    2. "Rhythm is the key to discipline...."
      "Connections with people come in all flavors, all kinds"...
      These two hit the spot... really resonated!

      We must keep in touch, Guilie!

  7. Thank you for this. And thank you for what you said on my blog.
    Fabulous 15!

  8. HI Guilie .. Happy 2015 - great thoughts for us as the year springs away from us .. I must off and put 2014 away .. so the rythm of 2015 can move along quietly, methodically and happily ... cheers Hilary
