
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ai No! (#AtoZChallenge 2015)

Ai no! 

Literally "Oh no." Contextually, however, when it comes to Papiamentu words and expressions... there's more to translation than meets the Ai.

Your phone rings. It's your daughter, to tell you she took your car (without permission) and got into a fender-bender--with the front gate. You: "Ai no." (English: "You got to be kidding me.")

At the office water cooler, a colleague has everyone in stitches with a funny story. When the punch line comes, a chorus of "Ai no, swa*!" will most probably be heard. (English: "Love it!")
*more on swa on S day

Your best friend shows up at your coffee date in tears; she just broke up with her boyfriend. You: "Ai no, dushi." (English: "God, I'm so sorry.")

You've been standing in line at the tax office the whole day. Just as your turn comes up, finally, the teller announces the server is down and you need to come back tomorrow. You: "Ai no!" (English: "Un-freakin'-believable!")

Your sister-in-law mentions at a family dinner she's going to quit her job because her boss is too demanding: he gets upset if she takes two hours for lunch, or if she comes in late (9:30 instead of 8:00), or when she calls in sick (20 times so far this year). You: "Ai no." (English: "Seriously?" #facepalm)

**Phonetic spelling for English pronunciation


  1. ;) I'm actually going to try this word on for size. It's so much shorter than the english version. Nicely written Guilie. Beautiful painting as well.

    1. Thank you, Sytiva! So glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, do try it--and let me know how it feels :)

  2. Hi Guilie - such an expressive word .. and I think I hear it around at times ... love your post .. cheers and I'll enjoy the Papiamentu stories .. Hilary

    1. I'm not surprised you hear it, Hilary... The Spanish version (Latin, really... Portuguese and Italian have it, too) is "Ay, no", and it's all over the place. Thanks for the visit, and I look forward to your posts, too!

  3. I have not heard that expression in many, many years. "Ai, no!" The parents, who originally are from the Philippines, used to say it to be when I was a kid. Aiiiii! No. no. no. I wonder why I stopped saying "Aiiii!" You may have reintroduced it back into my vocabulary.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister

  4. I've always loved the Spanish "Ay" which is used very similarly. Great start to A-Z!

  5. It sort of reminds me of "Oy!" which is something I say quite a lot in these situations.

  6. Fun post, and I enjoyed each scenario that you sketched to illustrate a particular use.

  7. ¡Ai Guilie! I remember seeing Ai (or Ay) caramba, probably in comic books. Does anyone say that anymore, if they ever did?

  8. I love how situations can change meanings.

  9. Great blog. I love your humor!

  10. Loved it... close to the Hindi Hai/ hain...!
