
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

We're celebrating! (With a Tour in Blogs)

THE MIRACLE OF SMALL THINGS is, finally, available as an e-book—and, to celebrate, we're going on tour.  And the inaugural stop is TODAY! Yep, right now, actually. At Sam Redstreake's blog, where we will:

  • share the e-book links (!);
  • talk about the potential music unlocks in fiction (yes, we'd love to hear your thoughts!);
  • announce Sam's newest brainchild, a flash-fiction contest inspired by MIRACLE!

So. See you there?


  1. Yay! I'm headed over to Sam's. Exciting times!

    1. Thanks, Crystal! Loved your comment over there... So glad you stopped by :)

  2. Replies
    1. YAY! Ms. Monkey, you've no idea how happy you make me. Thank you! (And I can't wait for you to read it, too—and then tell me what you think :D )

    2. I absolutely will!

      It will be the first *fun* reading I do since I'm in the middle of editing another writing friend's MS at the moment, so after I finish that (since I am in critical-looking-for-mistakes-mode right now).

    3. Eeeek! I know what you mean, though. (Here's a little fun challenge to help you transition over from critical to fun reading: there is a mistake in MIRACLE. Well, probably more than one, haha, but this one is not a subjective one, not a could've-said-it-better one—it's full of those, and every time I reread it I find more. No, this is a simple one. So simple, in fact, that author + beta readers + editor, and all those re-re-re-re-revisions and proof checks and edits, failed to catch it. In the end, it was my honey that caught it—the day of the NYC book launch, haha. Too late :D For a while there, my perfectionist self pretty much flipped... But I'm over that now. I'm treating it as a kind of Easter egg, haha... And, since you're in critiquing mode, I'm very curious to see if you will spot it :D )
