
Saturday, November 21, 2015

#BoTB Results: The Battle of the Genres (Ranchera vs Norteño)

It really did look like a slam-dunk there for a bit... Pepe Aguilar was keeping the Norteño guys down and wouldn't let them up for even a wild swing. And then there was hope... The band got in a couple of good punches, Pepe faltered—but, in the end, it just wasn't enough.

The winner: Pepe Aguilar

Pepe Aguilar (9)

Poder del Norte (6)

My vote? Dang... I forgot about that. Not that it would make a shred of difference either way... This is a hard one. The Aguilar version is charged with emotional context for me. Norteño music, in general, is not (again, for me). But if I stick to this which cantina would you rule I seem to have imposed on this battle, then the answer is the Poder del Norte dudes. So. Final tally is Aguilar with 9 votes, and the band guys with 7.

Not bad for what looked like a shut-out, eh?

They say it's impossible to please everyone all of the time, but—being the contrary soul I am—I'm still going to try. Here's Pepe Aguilar, plus daughter and son, singing a Norteño potpourri. On MTV Unplugged, no less.

Happy weekend, y'all!

(I'll be back tomorrow with Part II of the Mexico trip... Just haven't had time to finish that one. And on Monday, if you're in the neighborhood, I'll be up at Yolanda Renee's blog talking about indie presses, and I'd love it if you came by to say hi. No, seriously, I would.)


  1. GUILIE ~
    It looks like your Battle featured a nice little comeback, too. Mine, yours, Dixie's... November 15th seems to have had a comeback magic to it. The last I checked, your Battle was pretty one-sided, but to end with only a 2-point margin of victory is the sign of a well constructed BOTB installment.

    And see ya again on December 1st, eh?

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Stephen! It did look really one-sided for a while. Pretty cool that so many battles had a comeback! Comeback magic... I like that :) Absolutely, we're on for Dec. 1st — and happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Great Battle! I am glad he won though:)

    1. Thanks, Birgit! I'm pretty happy with the result, too :)

  3. Interesting battle! I'll have to check out your Mexico Trip!

    1. Funny how these battles play out, eh? Thanks for the visit, Mike :)

  4. Hi Guilie ... as you say a close contest ... but I love this unplugged version ... gorgeous to listen to ... cheers Hilary

    1. Glad you enjoyed this "bonus" video, Hilary! Hope your week started out great :)

  5. Hi Guilie! So, my choice lost?! No biggie. I'd rather the man sound happy and not that tragic pathos garbage! Ha! Geez Louise...

    I'm still waiting on, "Lady of Spain, I adore thee." Great song - My birthday is Monday! Nice battle.


    1. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIXIE!!!!! I'll head over to your place in a sec to say it again (say it high, say it low)... but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "waiting on Lady of Spain", etc... Did I miss something? Was I supposed to play this song for you? Please let me know... I'm confused, and concerned, and afraid I've—again—defaulted on a promise :(

  6. Hey, that was a good one! Thanks for the bonus video (ha ha), too!

    Take care, my friend!

    1. Best of both worlds, what? :D Glad you came by to check the results, Cherdo! Thanks, and happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Your outcome didn't surprise me though the number of votes received by the banda band did. Playing by the Best Band in a Bar rules I'd probably gone with Poder del Norte as well. I wish Aleks Syntek would have been closer in my Battle, but I guess techno pop is not a favorite among the voters in these battles.

    On a side note, I noticed that Pepe Aguilar was playing at a casino nearby to Vegas this past Saturday when I was there. I saw it advertised on a billboard as we were heading back to L.A. I wouldn't have likely gone to see him unless I had free or really cheap tickets, but seeing the sign made me think of you.

    Had fun with our linked Battles and look forward to the next one.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Right?!?! I was surprised, too, Lee... Wasn't expecting the banda guys to get that many. Part of it, I think—and as Robin pointed out—was my fudging with the voting criteria. Lesson learned: keep it simple and straightforward, haha. But it was a lot of fun, and I loved the linked-battle idea. I'll be looking forward to the next one, too. In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Great video to end this battle with. One of the few battles this week I voted for the winner. See you next BOTB!
