
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#BoTB: I Thank You (1979 vs 2014)

I'm still working through the whole gratitude thing...

The original belongs to Sam & Dave, American tenor and baritone (respectively) duo popular in the late 60's. I Thank You is from 1968, year that marked the beginning of the decline that ended with their split in1970.

ZZ Top covered it in 1979, to incredible success in spite of the change in genre. Show us how it's done, ZZ:

Bonus: this version comes with the lyrics.

And then, just last year, Paul Rodgers included it in his album The Royal Sessions, ten covers of soul, R&B, and blues (some good ones for future battles, y'all). Paul was named one of the top 100 singers by Rolling Stone (No. 55, to be exact), so I'm hoping he can give ZZ Top a good run for their money. Plus, Paul's version takes the song back to its soul roots...

Or this version, if the other one doesn't play (thanks for letting me know, Dixie!)

There you have it, folks. Who did it better? Who sucks less? Which of these would be more likely to find their way to your iPod? Which wouldn't you be caught dead listening to? Come back next Monday (7th) to check how the votes played out.

Thanks so much for the visit, all. Seriously.

You didn't have to love me like you did
but you did, but you did
and I thank you...

Enjoyed this? Go check out the other BoTB participants... Some epic battles being fought today. And thanks, as always, to FAE and Stephen for keeping the BoTB going.


  1. Guilie - another tough one for me. I enjoyed both versions. ZZ has the guitar play I love and their voice gruffness gets me, but...

    I couldn't get Paul's link to play. I used another link ( ) and it really is impressive. He does have a kinship to the original, but just different enough to get my vote!!

    Bye-bye ZZ, hello Paul! And I thank you (smile). hope you have battle fun!

    1. You're mightily welcome, Dixie ;) Glad you liked Paul's version—and so sorry about the video that wouldn't play. Thanks for letting me know; I've added the link you used (which won't play for me, haha... YouTube mischief :D ) in the hopes that at least one will be accessible for people.

      First vote goes to Paul!

  2. Hey Guilie!
    I love this song. And I love ZZ Top's version best. I couldn't get the ZZ Top link to play (it said "An error has occurred" but I'm familiar with it and just to be sure to fairly compare the two I went to YouTube and listened to ZZ Top. Although I like Paul Rodgers, ZZ Top's version is close to my heart so they get my vote.
    Great battle. I didn't even know that Paul Rodgers did a cover of this song so thanks for introducing that!
    Hope your book tour is wrapping up nicely... It was fun being a part of it.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Awww! I'm so sorry the ZZ video wouldn't play for you! But I'm glad you're familiar with it—and voting for it (sort of) sight-unseen :D Glad you liked the Rodgers version, too... I'd never heard it, either. The whole blues-covers album is a great listen if you liked this one.

      Thanks for coming over, Michele! Second vote goes to ZZ!

  3. I thank you for posting this song.
    It was a fun battle.
    I was sure I was going to vote for ZZ Top,because.... ZZ Top.
    But I found myself digging the Paul Rodgers version more.
    Please give my vote in his direction. If you do, I think you.

    1. PS - The first video of Paul Rodgers didn't work for me either. It said it was restricted outside of Columbia.

    2. Outside of Columbia??? Like the university? That's so weird, Jeff... I'm sorry :( Hope the one Dixie provided did work. (I wish there was a way to check where certain videos can/cannot play, darn it.)

      Oh, I hear you on the ZZ Top loyalty. The Rodgers version surprised me, too.

      Another vote for Paul!

  4. Paul Rodgers has a great voice, but I have to choose the hairy wonders, ZZ Top. I've loved them so long. I won't forsake you now, ZZ. Will you please change the list of participants in the BOTB? I'm no longer WOMEN: WE SHALL OVERCOME. I changed the name of my blog to Janie Junebug Righting & Editing.


    1. Ooops! Sorry about that, Janie. I've changed the list, and it won't happen again. Thanks for the reminder, and for the vote. One more for ZZ!

  5. I remember the Sam and Dave version well. ☺ Paul Rodgers was okay (the first video worked for me but not the second one), but ZZ Top gets my vote all the way! I like their version even better than the original, from the gritty vocals to the rockin' guitar riffs.

    1. I'm with you, Debbie... The ZZ version is the first one I knew, and I still prefer it over the original. Thanks for stopping by; one more vote for ZZ!

  6. Oh nothing beat ZZ Top for me. I love their unique styling of this song that seems to go more to the blues than the Rodgers version. I vote ZZ!

    1. Funny you should say that, Birgit... To my ears the ZZ version is more rock than blues, but you're right—these dudes are hard to beat, and they do have a unique style. Thanks for the vote! ZZ is pulling ahead, y'all...

  7. Close battle. Voting for the Rodgers version.

    1. Glad you felt so, Mr. Elliptical. Thanks for coming by; always good to see your name pop up in the comments :)

  8. Paul Rodgers gets my vote - more edgy and upbeat. Great songs thank you!

    1. That makes me happy to hear, Susan—thanks! And another vote for Rodgers, who was in dire need of some. It's evening up!

  9. I knew that, all other things being equal, ZZ Top would get my vote unless Paul Rodgers's version blew me away. Sad to say, it didn't. ZZ Top is my choice.

    1. I hear you, John... ZZ is hard to beat. Honestly I didn't expect the challenger (Paul or anybody else, except maybe the originals) to get this many votes already. Yours puts ZZ back at the Top (but only by one vote...)

      Thanks for coming by!

  10. I liked both versions of this song. ZZ Top took the song and put their unique spin on it. Must say that was a bit nostalgic for me as I love the 80s... and ZZ Top was definitely 80s. I thought I'd vote for them and then I played Paul Rodgers. Holy tomole. That was freakin' awesome. I think I'm gonna add his version to my Playlist!

    1. So glad you got blown away by Paul, Robin... So did I when I found him—whoa. He does put up a good fight, eh? One more vote for him! (And thanks for the visit :) )

  11. I listened to both, and I vote ZZ Top. But I will have to admit that while Paul did a good job, his version sounded too much like a commercial that's been playing daily for weeks, and driving me crazy. So ZZ had it almost right off the bat! I hate when commercials ruin good music!!! Great battle!

    1. I hear you, Yolanda... That's happened to me too often to count—and it really does feel unfair to hate a song just because of stupid marketing, but... yep, it happens. I'm glad you voted for ZZ, though—your vote puts them ONE VOTE ahead of Paul. I never thought this Battle would be so close!

  12. Sorry, Paul was good enough, but I just really love ZZ Top. Cuz you know, ZZ :)

    1. ZZ is pulling ahead!! Thanks for the vote, Donna :)

  13. Great BATTLE!

    I was sure it would be a slam-dunk for ZZ Top, I really like them. And, their version was great, but Paul Rodgers just has something more, I dunno what it was but, I actually liked him better. Shocked me. Give Paul my vote.

    1. FAE, I hear you... I even debated whether to use this one at all, thinking it'd be a shut-out. But lookie here, your vote puts Paul just ONE VOTE under ZZ. I'm... well, flabbergasted isn't an exaggeration ;)

  14. Hi Guilie - I prefer the ZZ guys ... easier to listen to ... but actually Paul was good too .. cheers Hilary

    PS vote to ZZ ...

    1. Another vote for ZZ! Thanks, Hilary. And I'm glad you enjoyed the Paul Rodgers version, too.

  15. I'm going to say Paul Rodgers...I just like his voice better.

  16. Fun Battle! I enjoy both ZZ Top and Paul Rodgers, but for this song, ZZ Top just nails it for me! Cast my vote for ZZ Top.

    1. Thanks, Mary. ZZ stays in the lead—though only by two votes. Un-freakin'-believable.

  17. Guilie, these are both great songs but today, I'm drawn to Paul Rogers. I'm with Stephanie - I just like his voice better (and he has a nice smile...easy on the eyes, as they say...).

    Now I'm thinking about Curacao again...

    1. Glad to hear it, Cherdo! I know what you mean... It's certainly no hardship to look at Paul ;) Thanks for the vote! And you just cut ZZ's advantage by half ;)

  18. This is a tough choice. They're both excellent. Paul Rodgers' version is slick and smooth. ZZTop's version is the one I've heard most. I especially like the instrumental interplay of ZZ Top.

    I guess I'm going to edge ZZ Top to claim my vote but either version is one that I can enjoy listening to.

    Arlee Bird
    Wrote By Rote

    1. I'm glad to hear that, Lee! Yeah, these two versions make the top of my list—and I'm dreading having to choose between them. Your vote puts ZZ back on a two-vote advantage :)

  19. Ridiculous! No contest! Should have been a blow-out.

    This BOTB shows conclusively who has "Soul" and who doesn't.

    Z.Z. TOP (named after their hero "B.B. KING"... BB is ZZ, and a king is the top, get it?) is OK. I like a few of their songs. (The fact that Jimi Hendrix once supposedly said Billy Gibbons was the next great guitarist shows that Jimi too was overrated and drugged out of his mind most o' da time.)

    PAUL RODGERS (the Badness of 'Bad Company') ruled this song. The only thing missing was Paul Kossoff on lead guitar.

    If I weren't so "cool" looking, people would respect my "Rock"-solid intelligence and the rightness of my opinions more than they do.
    [Ha! Gag me with a Bloody Mary celery stalk.]

    Anyway, and seriously now... I vote PAUL.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. I would've bet serious money on a blow-out here, too, Stephen... Alas, your vote puts Paul only one behind ZZ—which must be seriously confusing for you ;) (And now you've got me craving a Bloody Mary—*with* celery stalk :D ) Thanks for the vote!

  20. Paul Rodgers gets my vote. His voice is incredible and this song is right up his alley. Thanks for a cool battle.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Mike. AND YOUR VOTE TIES THE BATTLE!!!!!

  21. Guile, good battle! You picked two contenders worthy to rival against the other, in my opinion. However, in the end, my ZZ Top was my ear candy. Please give this classic band my vote!

    1. Cathy, you break the tie—which means my vote will either give ZZ a two-vote-margin victory, or will make this a tie again. I DO NOT WANT THIS RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!
