
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

#BoTB — Drift Away

Gimme the beat, boys,
and free my soul
I want to get lost in your rock n' roll
and drift away...

All I've got to do is hum that chorus and my feet start tappin' and my soul starts liftin'. But I always wondered about one thing. It's very clearly a country song—maybe that's just the context I heard it in, or the context of the versions I knew: Dobie Gray, Roy Orbison, Ray Charles, Garth Brooks—but the lyrics, also very clearly, say rock n' roll. For years it stayed one of those weird discrepancies people of my generation (i.e., who grew up without YouTube or Wikipedia or any such) learned to live with.

Until today.

Turns out Drift Away (written by Mentor Williams) may have been famous by Dobie Gray—his version stole the show in 1973—but the original was recorded in 1972 by John Henry Kurtz—and that version totally does sound rock n' roll-ish.

This song has been covered a lot (I mean, Michael Bolton? Really?), and most versions have the Dobie Gray country feel, but I managed to find two that (sort of) don't... And I'm not talking light-weights, either. The first is by none other than the Rolling Stones, an unreleased version that does not include Keith Richards in the line-up—which might explain the odd, not-quite-Rolling-Stone sound:

And to challenge that, we have another group of legends: Ringo Starr, Tom Petty, and Alanis Morissette, and Steve Tyler, with an arrangement that, to me at least, sounds straight-up Ringo (not a bad thing):

What do you think? Which version do you like better? Did the gritty uniformity of the Stones win you over, or did you prefer the color lent by the eclectic vocal choices of the Ringo version? Looking forward to your feedback! I'll be back next Wednesday to tally up the votes, cast my own, and tell you how it all went down.

In the meantime, hop on over to these blogs where more epic Battles are being fought. As always, much gratitude to host Stephen T. McCarthy for keeping the Battle hop not just going but roaring. (And yet, yes, we do miss you, FAE.)


  1. Interesting and scary. The 'twangful' Mick versus the Ringo voice that should stick to playing drums. I'm so sorry... the choice is tough in more ways than one. Especially since I'm not favoring either. (smile).

    I'll go with The Stones... Wow!

    1. Hahahaha... I'm with you, Dixie, on the Ringo and drums bit. (Though I admit I like his songwriting. Just not his singing so much :D )

      First vote goes to Twangful Mick!

  2. Love that lyric! ☺ Personally, my favourite version of the song is by John Kay (Steppenwolf). These two covers are interesting. Mick's vocals are kind of grating, though. Then again, so are Tom Petty's, but the chorus sounded okay. Please give my vote to Ringo & Co.

    1. I've never heard the Steppenwolf version, Debbie; I'll have to give it a listen, because I'm sure it's going to win me over. Thanks for letting me know about it!

      And vote #2 goes to Ringo & his superstars! Thanks, Debbie ;)

  3. Funny, but I heard (or maybe read) a discussion about this song just the other day. I must not have been paying too much attention because I don't know what the context of the discussion was, but I just remember it because I've always liked the Dobie Gray version of the song. It's really a great classic tune.

    Jagger does a great job with it and makes it his own. The cover by Ringo and his all-star band is excellent as well. But in the end I prefer Jagger and his team.

    A vote for Mick Jagger.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. That is funny, Lee... Synchronicity :) I originally intended to use the Dobie Gray version (I love it, too), but I couldn't find anything that sounded like it'd give it a decent run for its money. (Although now that Debbie has pointed out there is a Steppenwolf version, I think there might actually be a contest worth exploring there...)

      Thanks for the vote, Lee! Got you down for Team Jagger :) (He really did a good job of making the song his own, didn't he?)

  4. Team Jagger sounded like someone held up a microphone and said, "Okay, mates, we're all gonna sing on the count of three..."

    Team Ringo was better, but Alanis Morissette came in and it just didn't seem to fit.

    But then again, have you heard MY album? No? 'Cause I don't have one and who am I to say??

    My vote goes to TEAM RINGO today, Guillie! Thanks!

    1. Hahahahahahaha... Cherdo, I had to laugh out loud :D "Ready, guys? One, two, THREE!" :D :D :D

      Funny how you mentioned that Alanis didn't fit... I thought the same when I first heard the song, and I was very surprised by that. It started me thinking how we expect certain artists in certain contexts, and how jarring it can be to encounter them—even when we know upfront they'll be there—in different ones. Interesting.

      Another vote for Team Ringo! Thanks, Cherdo :)

  5. I vote for Ringo and friends. Alanis is great. The combination of different voices works well. Mick Jagger doesn't sound right on this song.


    1. Thanks for that, Janie! I'm glad the Ringo combo worked for you :)

      And one more vote for the Ringo gang!

  6. I really liked Dobie Gray's version of this, but he isn't running, is he? No problem.

    It's a toss-up, but I like Ringo's voice, so that version gets my vote.

    1. I hear you, John... I did want to include Dobie, but I couldn't find anything that would guarantee anything but a total blow-out, haha. Glad you liked the Ringo group; got you down for them :)

  7. I am so in love with Dobie Gray's version of this song! What an excellent song choice Guilie! Such a great song!!! It really takes me back and makes me swoon... :)

    As for your battle: What a cool line-up with Ringo/Petty/Tyler and Morrisette! I did like their version but overall I liked the Stones version best so please give them my vote.

    Awesome battle!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I thought that Ringo line-up was pretty cool, too! And, honestly, I thought such mega-stars would sound much better :( Not that they were bad or anything... I just expected—more, somehow.

      Another vote for the Stones! Will they make a comeback, I wonder... ;)

      Thanks, Michele!

  8. Put me down for the Rolling Stones, I enjoyed their version much better. The Ringo version was interesting. Not bad interesting, just interesting. Overall I enjoyed the Rolling Stones vocals more.

    1. Glad you liked the Stones version, Jeffrey. Like you, I feel there's something unique about the Ringo gang... I just haven't made up my mind whether I like it or not :D

      One more vote for the Stones! It's now 4 vs. 4... Thanks, Jeffrey!

  9. GUILIE ~
    I always really liked this song, but the only version I'd ever heard was the big hit by Dobie Gray. And, funny, but I never ever sensed any kind of Country feel to it. I did, however, for many, many... MANY years think he was singing "give me the Beach Boys to free my soul; I wanna get lost in your Rock 'N' Roll and drift away". I remember being disappointed when my Sister told me it was actually "beat, boys".

    Not a Rolling Stones fan here, but this song suited the Stones surprisingly well. The other version though pretty much ruined the song, losing that rhythmic flow it should have.

    Vote: STONES

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. LOL, Stephen... "Give me the Beach Boys" makes perfect sense, though... I can totally see how you'd be disappointed :D

      About the "country" feel, please take into account my idea of "country" is a foreigner's, and thus somewhat skewed ;) It always felt that way to me, but if I'm honest, you're probably right on the fact that it's not.

      I'm glad the Stones version sounded good to you! Yeah, there's something off about that Ringo version... Can't really put my finger on it, but—ah, well.

      One more vote for the Stones—which brings them one vote above the Ringo gang!

  10. I always thought the song sounded rather "islandy" versus country. But what do I know???

    I should know better than to watch a Rolling Stones video. Particularly older Stones videos. Mick just looks so bad to me. I made a gagging noise when they showed him in his undies in the hotel room. Did they really have to do that??? I always wonder what he would look like if he hadn't ravaged his body with drugs and alcohol. I'm thinking less like a corpse and more like a man, but maybe that's just me.

    Anyway, despite my feelings about Mick and how horrible he looks (and that is pretty darn bad) I actually preferred the Stones musical take on the song.

    So, give my vote to ole skin and bones (aka I can't sing without jerking around like I've got Parkinson's) Mick Jagger and his crew.

    1. Robin, you probably know quite a bit more than I do—especially in terms of what sounds (or doesn't sound) country :D And I had to laugh at your reaction to the Stones video... Yeah, Mick isn't going to win any Sexiest Man Alive contests—not now, not then, not ever :D I guess the fact that his looks didn't deter you from voting for them could be construed as testament to the Ringo gang's quality, or lack thereof—but I would never presume to assume you'd let a video swing your vote :D

      Thanks for the vote, Robin! Against all expectations, it looks like the Jagger (Jagged-Dancing?) crew is going to win this!

  11. Give me the Rolling Stones...they just sound so great and they always put their edge to it. The other one with all the stars on it was just trying too hard for me if that makes sense. I couldn't get into it

    1. I hear you, Birgit... Something's not quite there with the Ringo all-star gang.

      And the Stones run away with this Battle!

  12. The Rolling Stones, funny you chose this song my daughter just performed it as part of her recital this weekend

    1. Ha! More synchronicity, Mike... Love it when that happens :)

      Thanks for the vote!

  13. The Rolling Stones get my vote. I didn't like the twang of the other group although they did pick up the beat toward the end. The Stones captured it!
    Hey, Guilie, are you rested after the A to Z? I'm back at it, although with a bit of a slower pace. Happy Blogging!

    1. Aaaaaaand one more vote for the Stones! I didn't expect them to win by this much—but I'm happy they did :)

      As far as "rested," Yolanda, I'm... getting there, haha. I've been taking blogging very, very sloooooooowwwwwwwwly, but I hope to pick up the pace this month. If not with posting (ahem), at least for visiting... I miss my gang :(

      Thanks for coming by, Yolanda, and for the vote! Glad you liked the Stones version :)
