
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Casamance: Reviews from the Curaçao Film Festival 2017 #CIFFR

Thursday, April 6th, 2017, 19:00

Some might think it a tad amateurish (I'm not one of them), but even those can't help being swept away by the magic of music and candor that is this film. Documentaries are difficult to make; unpredictable plots, characters that insist on doing their own thing instead of sticking to the script—oh, wait, no script. Documentaries are about truth: real people, real events, heart and soul given flesh. And the music! An exploration into African rhythms, their history and evolution, and their trasmutation into Latin culture and music... This one had us tapping our feet—and looking into trips to Senegal.

It's almost time for the 2018 film festival, and I am far, far behind on the reviews for the 2017 films! So over the next four weeks I'm going to be posting three or four times a week in order to get through them all. They'll be shorter than originally planned, and I do apologize. Yes, it's a time issue, but it's also what I specifically didn't want to happen: I have forgotten a lot about these beautiful, beautiful films. *Sigh*


  1. Speaking of time issues, I'm sure this is not one I would have the time to get to.

    1. I'm not surprised to hear that :) Thanks for the visit!

  2. I'd love to see this one day and maybe it will be on PBS. I love music as it transcends everything. no one has to speak the same language to enjoy music.

    1. Oh, I hope so, Birgit! I think you'd enjoy it... You're absolutely right, music is the original universal language. Thanks so much for coming by!

  3. Hi Guilie - this sounds quite amazing and I'd love to see a film that brings the area to life with its own musical journey ... I hope you get to take a trip to Senegal.

    You posted Elle (but took it down) - it was amazing acting ... we had it at our film society in Easbourne, Sussex before I left ... so I hope you get to post it for us to read and see ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Glad to hear you're interested, Hilary! Too many of these films get so little exposure—and I'm sure it'll be hard to find if you wanted to watch it... Then again, things might be different where you live. I hope so.

      Sorry about that Elle mishap; I have several of these film reviews in draft, but I'm trying to post these in the order in which we saw them (just a personal decision), so when I finished the Elle review I hit the 'publish' button instead of the 'schedule' one... I apologize for the confusion. It's now been scheduled for Thursday next week. I've worked out a schedule that will have all these reviews published by April 7th, just before the 2018 festival begins on the 11th :)

      Thanks so much for following this series, and for your kind and thoughtful comments always!
