
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

#BoTB Results: The Saints Are Coming (U2 & Green Day vs. Skids)

And yet another super-close battle, guys. Got to say, I was not expecting this result:

U2 & Green Day: 10
Elliptical Man

Skids: 9

I wasn't only not expecting it, I was—more and more fervently, as the days passed and the votes kept coming in—really hoping against it.

Because, you see, at some point during the Battle, I made up my mind to vote for Skids.

Don't get me wrong; I love the U2/Green Day version. I love each band alone, and I love them together; I love that they got together for this song, and for this purpose (Katrina hurricane relief)... and I will listen to their version over the Skids' any day, any time.

So why Skids?

Because it's the original. Aaaand because that original isn't, as several of you pointed out, all that different from the 2006 U2/GD cover. I really do feel that the original didn't get all the love it deserved back in 1978—why doesn't really matter. The song is fantastic, the lyrics are rich and well-crafted, and the music is a great composition.

The question for me boiled down to this: if Skids hadn't composed this song, would U2/GD have produced something similar for their Katrina benefit? I'm forced to answer No... I'm a believer in the magic of artistry and originality.

But what clinched it for me was the fact that two extraordinary bands got together to record something special for a worthy cause and not only chose an existing song but decided to use, basically, the original arrangement as well. I believe that means that both bands respect the Skids version.

Which is why I vote Skids.

And which brings this Battle to a tie.

Well played, Skids. Well played.


  1. I really enjoyed the song! I like the results! I look forward to your next battle.

    1. And that makes me very, very happy, Mike :) Looking forward to your next one, too—and off to check the results of your last battle!

  2. Wow, a tie! That doesn't happen very often! Way to go! Great battle!
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thanks, Michele! You're right, it doesn't... And as much as I like the theory of it (well-matched contenders, etc.), I really hate that it was my vote that made the tie. Although, now that I think about it... maybe it would've been worse if my vote broke the tie :D

      Thanks for the visit!

  3. Interesting outcome! ☺ I was really torn about who to choose, so a tie seems fitting.

    1. I was torn too, Debbie! You're right, a tie is the best result possible here :) Thanks for coming over to check the end tally!

  4. Well, what about that! It was a pretty even match so I can understand how it turned out. I don't understand all the dislike for Bono and U2 though. I don't know much about Green Day so I don't have an opinion about people's reaction to them.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Glad you feel that way, Lee. Yeah, I don't get the U2 bashing, either... Taste is personal, certainly, and I can understand they might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's a big step to go from there to actual, all-out, active dislike—especially since, with three decades of history under their belt, they're not a flash-in-the-pan thing. Ah, well. To each his own :)

      Thanks for the visit!

  5. Guilie, forgive my ignorance, but I'm not sure if you're talking about a TV show or a blog challenge. :) So, my comment might be off, but here it goes anyway. I love The Skids, punk rock at its best. Originality should always win, in my view. It takes a certain creativity to be original, and guts. I also love U2 and Green Day. I saw Green Day live and was blown away. However, I'm glad the event is a tie, and you had something to do with it. :) Lovely visiting your blog and reading about music!

  6. Wow! That's close. I'm a big Green Day fan, so anything they do is golden to me.


  7. It is interesting that it was so close considering how awesome U2 and Green Day are, especially together. So, in a way, I see your point how it would have been amazing if Skids. At the end of the day, I'm glad I voted for the winner.

  8. Oh wow! A tie!! This was a great battle.
