
Thursday, October 15, 2015

#BoTB: The Saints Are Coming!

Get your earplugs ready, turn the volume down—or up: a good, hard, punk rock song for today's Battle of the Bands!

Most of my generation knows The Saints Are Coming from the U2 / Green Day cover of 2006, recorded to raise funds for Hurricane Katrina relief. But the song is much, much older. It's an original of Scottish punk-rock band Skids, featured on their debut album back in 1979. In November 1978, when the single was first released, the song hit #48 on the UK charts. In 2006, the U2 / Green Day version went all the way up to #1. Was this a belated recognition to an until-then underestimated song? Or did Bono, Billie Joe, & Co. really do it so much better?

Today, YOU decide.

First up: the 2006 #1 hit by U2 and Green Day:

And here is the original Skids version:

It's been just over 10 years since the Katrina tragedy in New Orleans, and just under 17 years since the original single hitting its top spot at #48 on UK charts. Who does it better—or less worse? Is the U2/Green Day ensemble worthy of that #1 spot? Are The Skids deserving of only #48? What do you think? Leave a comment with your thoughts, and come back next week (22nd) to check the final results (along with my own vote).

Other epic Battles are being fought on these blogs. Take a hop over, get your music fix, help decide the face-offs with your vote!

As always, HUGE thanks to Stephen and FAE for their ongoing efforts in keeping BoTB going strong... You guys are wonderful.


  1. This is a toss up. I like how U2 and Green Day played with the intro with House of the Rising Sun. However I think I will go with the Skids because they provided a good song for the foundation. I never heard this song before but I liked it a lot thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you liked it, Mike! And thanks for the vote—got you down for Skids :)

  2. I actually remember the original version. It's harder-edged than the 2006 remake, which is generally more to my liking. Definitely should have ranked higher than 48!
    I believe the circumstances helped drive U2/Green Day's version to #1, although it is more fluid and poignant than the original. Hmmmm, tough choice!
    ...thinking, replaying...
    Okay; here it is: Based on Billy Joe Armstrong's vocals (Bono - meh) and the musical arrangement, in general, my vote goes to U2/Green Day.
    Interesting battle, as always, Guilie! ☺

    1. Oh WOW, Debbie! For an original punk rock fan, your vote toward U2 & Green Day really counts! They need to be very, very proud of themselves, in my opinion :) Glad you found it interesting, and thanks for the visit.

    2. It was Billy Joe's vocals. I love his voice. ☺

  3. Great battle Guilie. I'm going to have to go with Bono/U2 & Greenday for this one. Skid's version is good but I like the sound of U2/GD's version much better. And it might be biased on my part because I love Bono! So give my vote to U2/Green Day.
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Hehe... I love Bono, too, Michele, and he sways my choices most of the time :) Glad you enjoyed the original, though... It's a good one. Another vote for the U2/Green Day ensemble!

  4. I'm sorry, Skids, but forget it. I like U2 a lot, and I worship Billy Joe. I would kiss the hem of his garment. I vote for U2/Green Day.I'm going out on a limb here to say no one sings better than Bono and Billy Joe. They have so much emotion in their voices.


    1. Got to agree with you there, Janie. (Yep... sorry, Skids.) It's hard for any cover to beat the original (especially one that pretty much sticks to said original's basics), and Bono + Billie Joe was a great bet to do just that. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. This may be personal, but I just don't like U2, especially after I got a free album I didn't want from them and Apple. Plus, I thought their version was wimpy compared to Skids. Give my vote to Skids.

    1. Ah, another Songs of Innocence dissenter :) Got to say I loved that album... But then again, I love every U2 album, so it's not much in the way of praise ;) Glad you voted for Skids, though... It was beginning to look like a slam/dunk out there. Thanks for the visit, John!

  6. Well, this is a totally new song to me. An interesting tune. The version by the Skids was fine, but I prefer the more recent collaboration which has better production value and is more musically interesting to me.

    Give my vote to U2/Green Day.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Glad I was able to contribute a new tune to your arsenal, Lee — and I'm really glad you found it interesting. Another vote for U2/Green Day!

  7. OK so both are just noise to me and irritating:) Obviously not my style but I shall give it to the original-The Skids. It sounds like it should be a punk song and I like the rawness better than the extra stuff U2 brings...and generally I like U2 better.

    1. Interesting vote, Birgit, especially since (I think) you're a U2 fan — Skids should be honored to hear that :) You're right on the rawness... It comes across better, more whole-like, in their version. Another vote for the original version! (And sorry about the noise... I'll do something less violent next time, promise.)

  8. U2 and Green Day get my vote today...usually, I'll go for the Scot even if he doesn't sing.

    Good job@

    1. Thanks, Cherdo! Wow... So the Irish/USA combo beat the Scot this time... They'll be very pleased, I'm sure ;)

  9. Hi Guilie - I'd go with Skids - give credit where credit is due - in bringing the song out into the world. U2 and Green Day certainly wowed everyone re Katrina and the extras possible now through all the developments in sound and presentation over the years. Skids - cheers Hilary

    1. Too right, Hilary... Glad you felt that credit should go to the song's creators, and good point on the extras; they, plus the whole emotional situation surrounding Katrina, were sure to have contributed to the song's 2006 success. Another vote for Skids!

  10. I'm having a couple of pretty bad migraine days (and nearly everyone chose a really HEAVY song for this BoTB). Must say this has been rough listening for me. Not your fault. It's all in my head. Literally.

    I am going with U2 and Green Day because it's slightly less pounding. I realize that's not a great gauge for voting, but it's the best I've got today.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your migraine, Robin... And sorry to have put you through the noise. As I promised to someone else above, I'll choose something less ear-splitting next time (though I seriously hope your migraines are gone by then!). Thanks for listening in spite of; got your vote down for U2 & Green Day :)

  11. I think both songs are good, but U2 and Green Day an excellent team. I loved their version of the song. The other version would have to blow me away, and they didn't do that. But they were good.

    1. I'm with you on the team thing, Jeff... I wish they'd recorded more stuff together. And yeah, both versions are good. Not really looking forward to making my own choice :D Thanks for the visit!

  12. Voting for the U2 / Green Day version.

    I did not like the House of the Rising Sun lead-in, but Bono is the best vocalist in the battle.

    1. I'm with you, E-Man. Thanks for the visit and the vote!

  13. I liked the intro of U2 tho was a bit confused for the moment ... the video and song brought back memories - hard to believe it's nearly 10 years. I think I'll go with the first one - hard hitting, topical ..

    1. Got you down for U2/Green Day, Susan :) Thanks for coming by!

  14. I absolutely hate U2 and Green Day. And their version of this song had all the usual hallmarks of a U2 production: Essentially nuttin'. A couple of chords played over and over while Bonehead Bono does that thing he does... which some people refer to as "singing"... but I don't.

    THE SKIDS original wasn't much more musical... if at all. But at least it was the "original", so I'll vote for that. (I'm in the wrong business! I could write a song as good as this every single morning while eating my corn flakes, and then write another one at night while swilling my beer.)

    Nothing personal, but U2 always brings out the snark in me.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. Oh, Stephen... First the Hammond revelation and now this... I'm devastated. Can't say I'm surprised, though :D Got your "vote" down for Skids, which I'm sure they'll appreciate. (Heck, maybe you'll be getting a call about songwriting... you could have a prolific career :D )

  15. Guilie, I don't remember this song. I thought once I listened to the U2/Green Day covered that it would ring bell, but it didn't. I don't dislike U2/Green Day's cover, but they didn't bring much new to the song. I can't believe it ranked #1. I think I like the original version the best. It has more of an upbeat tempo which causes me to like the song more and the vocals aren't bad. I'm not sure why they only charted 48, but I don't know if it deserves a top 10 rating, either. Oh, well give my vote to SKIDS. Please hop over to cast your vote in my latest BoTB, here. Have a good weekend!

    1. Another vote for Skids! You're right; the 2006 version really isn't all that different from the original, so the difference in ranking really makes me scratch my head. Either one was overrated and the other one underappreciated, or... Zeitgeist, perhaps? Interesting.

      Thanks for the visit, Cathy :)

  16. Give me Skids for 100. My vote to them.Thanks, Guilie!

  17. The skids did a great job with this song. Had I listened to it back then, I would have liked it. Would not have stuck with me though. U2 and Green Day are well paired, and they put a lot of emotion in this song. Yes they deserve the #1 spot, and not just for the chairity they sang it for.

    1. Good point, Dolorah... The Skids version is, indeed, somewhat forgettable... And the U2/Green Day one, for some reason, really isn't, haha. Maybe it's the Katrina thing, or the combination of two outstanding bands—two outstanding vocalists. Either way, your reasoning makes a lot of sense :) Another vote for U2/Green Day, and have a fabulous Sunday :)

  18. I really dislike Bono, on general principals, and therefore am not overly fond of U2. I just don't see a whole lot of talent there. As for Green Day, much the same. IMO their version went to #1, because of the 'cause' and I can't fault them for that.

    Having said all that can't say I'm a fan of The Skids, but they were the original and I don't necessarily dislike them, so give 'em my vote.

    1. Got you down for the Skids original, FAE. Thanks for the visit!

  19. I'd never heard that one before, but I think I like the Skids version best!

    1. Cool, Stephanie! Got you down for Skids—and your vote makes this battle really even! I'll count up tomorrow and post results (and my own vote) on Thursday. Thanks for the visit!
