A while back, I
posted something on editors, about how important it is for us writers to
get one. The truly wondrous
EJ Wesley asked a key question in the comments that day that I've delayed enough in answering.
Yes, we agree
editors are the cat's pajamas. The bee's knees. The last Coke in the Sahara. The first daffodil of spring. The last cigarette in the party (at 3 AM). And we all want one. Desperately.
But, EJ asks, how do we
choose one?

Now, I'm no expert. I never worked with an editor until three months ago. What I am is extremely lucky.
If you're looking for an editor, even just beginning to
think about finding one, or maybe have given up on the whole thing because you got scammed (or heard of someone who knows someone who did), let me try and help.
What are you looking for? A panacea to turn your "great idea" into a marketable novel? A grammar fiend to help you fix the "small" details of verb tense consistency or dangling modifiers? Someone who can cut away those extra words in your 312K manuscript?