Tune in with hashtag #AZchat at 6 pm EST (issues with timezones? this tool will help) and join the A-to-Z fun. Ask questions, connect with other A-to-Z-ers, share tips & tricks (or your latest blog post), spread the love--and have a blast.
Record-breaking sign-ups are expected for the A-to-Z Challenge this year. Get in on the fun early, build your network, get help and help others. The A-to-Z isn't about April. It's about this: a sense of community that spans the blogosphere--and, as of this Friday, Twitter too.

The chat will be hosted by the awesome ladies of #TeamDamyanti (which you should totally follow because they're not just wonderful co-minions, but outstanding people in their own right):
Anna Tan (@natzers),
Csenge Zalka (@TarkabarkaHolgy)
Jemima Pett (@jemima_pett)
Viola Fury (@ViolaFury)
Samantha Redstreake Geary (@WriterlySamIAm),
Vidya Sury (@vidyasury)
& myself (@Guilie73)
Come make history with us. See you at the #AZchat!
P.S. -- never taken part in a Twitter chat? Here's everything you need to know.